Thursday, October 29, 2009

Funny Saying About Losing Hair


- Paraná Workshop Club is participating in the National Basketball League Women, in this sense, the government minister, Adam Bahl, welcomed representatives
PARANÁ, 27 OCT (APF.Digital)

represented the club with whom he discussed today sports institution • "In 2007 we entered the final homer, were among the top four, the goal this year is re-entering the final home run" the coach said Cristian Gomez. Later Gomez said that "the tournament is comprised of seven teams, four of Buenos Aires, one of Gualeguaychú, one of Concepción del Uruguay, one of Rosario and us. We are playing every weekend, Saturday and Sunday. "
After the meeting the only team coach Paraná participating in this league, said: "This is the fifth year is playing the National League and we started the 2009 competition. In 2007 we entered the final homer, were among the top four last year we were not so lucky. The goal this year is to re-enter square end, we have a chance and so far so good, we won three of four games, eight still missing. "

"robin is played and then the top four go to a home final to be played near the end of the year, the level is very good for years that the finals are borne TyCSports" said the coach. At the time the coach spoke with the minister Bahl on the team's situation and discussed the possibility of a "government support for the girls could continue this competition, which for us has a very high cost of travel, accommodation, food and the expenses of the players, salaries, travel expenses. It is the most important competition is in women's basketball nationally. "

Finally Gomez said: "It is the second year that we get the minister Bahl, was very interested in knowing as was the situation of women's basketball, of course grateful for the welcome and support," he concluded. (APF.Digital)


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