Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Birthday Cake Staphylococcus Infection

basics about

  1. wood varieties and characteristics as buying

    common wood Measures

    MADERO O Gualdres:
    is solid wood that has been cut or carved on four sides, but has not been divided by the saw, so conseva still the heart of the tree.
    By splitting the wood comes from saw timber that have multiple names depending on its thickness and width.

    Heavy duty, 10 to 20 cm thick and 20 cm wide and 5 or 6 feet long.

    the joist or violin or POLIN
    measures 10 to 15 cm per side and up to 5 or 6 feet long

    thick Tables 5 to 10 cm thick but 15 to 30 cm wide , by 2.4 meters long

    small strips of less than 5 cm in thickness and less than 10 cm wide and 2.40 meters long

    The qualities of wood

    At first, when the timber is clear and flawless

    In the second, when it has some flaws as small knots, small cracks in the ends, blue stain fungus or slight warping or twisting.

    third parties when abundant defects like knots, cracks, deformation evident.

    Wood can be
  • veneer plywood chipboard

Hilo or vetoes

ll caracteríticas wood are important, but is that it is particularly when brushing, polishing, and work it with chisel.

Grain or yarn is the arrangement of fibers and cells of the wood along the
tables line is distinguished by subtle color changes that wood has formed
The drawing is called grain, blades ent tools have to work towards the wire, even the cut of the wood is perfect. When it does not tend to splinter the wood, it produces a rough surface.

There are five main types of accommodation of the wire or grain straight

  • irregular wavy spiral
  • interlaced

Frequently Warps:

  • grooving, is a curvature across the entire table
  • Bow, is when you have a curve along the edge
  • Warp song, is when you have a curve along one side.
  • Twisted or spiral, is when you bend over and across

KNOTS Knots produce some deviations in the direction of the fiber, are harder than healthy fibers can damage the tools you work.

fungal deterioration
When not destroy the wood, stain, to protect the wood from fungal attack is impregnated with 5% pentachlorophenol or other wood protection products.

cut in:
tables tablets

There are two methods for converting a log

1. Full sawing (sawing cutting total)
planks and boards are cut to the desired thickness, parallel to each other, the boards tend to warp and lose the attractive grain pattern

2. By quarter sawing
Most boards are cut on the radius of the trunk in this way shows a radial shrink much less than when completely cut off. The tendency of boards to sag significantly reduces the wood cut into quarters. The attractive design of the grain in some woods, like oak, stands out clearly in quarter sawn timber.


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