Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What Color Curtains In Burgandy Walls


César Vallejo paid dearly for their inexperience and were eliminated by Barcelona of Ecuador, who beat him by 3 to 1 in the Copa Sudamericana. Mario Viera's team was a total embarrassment in all their lines and did not use the partial tie Cazula as two minutes later the home side scored the second goal, bringing the game was uphill for the 'poets'.

Cold, confused, apathetic, fearful. Were some of the faces that showed the team led by Viera tonight at the Isidro Romero de Guayaquil. In front was a Barcelona that is not much more, simply took advantage of advantages of the visit.

Barcelona went ahead quickly on the scoreboard after Noir picked up a rebound and hit him long distance to beat Pinto. They were just nine minutes and Vallejo and showed larger gaps that the home side began to develop, especially the left side of the defense 'poet' and that Corrales had no support for local control onslaught.

But Vallejo just started dating and partly because Barcelona did not put much pressure on the steering wheel was just the medulla a traffic free route for those wishing to use, there Candelo and especially the Uruguayan Cazula began to be noticeable, although the attacks were local to nail biting, and that Vallejo could never control Noir and especially Oyola.

However, the lukewarm reaction to his achievement would Vallejo, At 32 'minutes Erick Torres threw a ball to Caldas, who in his best play of the game got a cue for the arrival of Cazula, who shot the bow Banguera. It was the tie that gave the illusion of a possible classification.

But as in Trujillo the joy was short lived as two minutes later achieved Barcelona put up on the scoreboard again after a ball that took Oyola unmarked in area to beat Pinto. Was almost the final blow to Vallejo, who after that cooled so much more.

Barcelona for the second stage showed a similar pattern, long passes to the forwards, who played on the backs of Arismendi and Corrales, but the poor shooting of the premises was the result remains the same. At 59 'minutes as Barcelona's misery would end, because after a cannon, with the ball club would be included serving the Paraguayan Zamudio who is not crazy to define and calmly scored the third.

was the final blow to the 'poet'. With 3 to 1 against, the trujillanos down their arms, walked the field and the reluctance was evident, especially in Candelo, known to be the 'leader' and Hurtado, who never appeared. Vallejo showed no intention of awakening despite missing more than 25 'minutes.

The rest of the match was a mere formality. Barcelona was closer to the fourth goal to Vallejo to discount. Faiffer revenues, Aponte and Céspedes were stories in a game already decided, this is compounded by the expulsion of Ecuadorean defender Omar de Jesus, a party anecdote.

Vallejo was eliminated from the Sudamericana. Inexperience of many not only players, not until the very technical and not leaders. In football the team lacked identity, lack of commitment by some players as well, lack of character to reverse a complicated situation.


Banguera, De Jesus, Perlaza, Hurtado, Nazareno, Sanchez Prette, Hidalgo, Oyola, Noir, and Zamudio, Rodriguez DT: JM Llop
CHANGES: Palacios x Noir (51 ') x Garcés Rodríguez (83'), Ceballos x Samudio (85)
GOALS: Noir 9 ', Oyola 33', Samudio 57 '
TA: De Jesus Hurtado, Samudio
TR: De Jesus (83') U.

Pinto Arismendi Hernández, Andonaire, Corrales Torres, Nakaya, Candelo, Cazula, Caldas, TD Howard M. Viera
CHANGES: x Aponte Torres (63 '), Faiffer x Cazula (70'), Céspedes x Corrales (70 ')
GOALS: Cazula 32'
TA: Arismendi, Nakaya

Albert Duarte (COL)
SETTING: Estadio Isidro Romero Carbo (Guayaquil)


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